Is Online Volunteering for you?

Many people in all regions of the world have the skills, knowledge, experiences, and ideas to make a difference for a project to strengthen the capacities of development organizations. JIVANAM ASTEYA’s service helps to find online volunteering opportunities matching your personal profile and interest.

In case you wish to be an online volunteer with us, you could do a variety of things for us in the comfort of your home or office. All you need is a computer, internet access, and the basic minimum software in your computer to enable you to do your assignment.

Your assignment could be ranging from creating and or maintaining weblogs/journals for our organization, performing online research, providing technical assistance to staff and volunteers, and helping with online marketing and communications.

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Other on-line work can involve writing grant and sponsorship proposals, refining strategic and operational plans, developing budgets and mentoring ‘volunteers’ in a range of activities.

You could manage our volunteers and information coming from them or going out to them, address legal and environmental issues on the weblogs, networking activity, posting features of volunteers, writing for us the do’s and don’ts of volunteering in India, guideline for raising funds for your volunteer period.

As you can see the opportunity is endless if you have the time, energy and enthusiasm to do the same to do your bit.

Things that you need to be an online volunteer Professional and attitudinal suitability for the assignment that you wish to undertake is essential. Needless to say, you need accessible computer and internet connection and the necessary software.

Cultural sensitivity is important as India is a culture rich country and we do things differently here in India.

Your checklist: Are You Ready to Be an Online Volunteer?

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Do you have regular access to the Internet?


Are comfortable working on your own?


Are you self-motivated to finish the deadlines?


Is this the best time to apply for the assignment? Do you have enough time on hand?


Are you sure you are capable of producing a high-quality result on your online volunteering assignment?


Are you comfortable working with people who might be from totally different backgrounds and different sets of values than your own?


Are you able to communicate in most frank and candid way?
Think Again!


Now if all the answers satisfy you …Then go ahead! We await your initiative and I am sure there is a suitable assignment. Apply for Internship here.

(Article is sourced from as it does match to what we aim by this activity and the aim of this article is not for profit)

By Jivanamasteya

Jivanamasteya - जीवानामस्तेय, NGO is dedicated to empowering communities through initiatives in human rights, education, healthcare, and entrepreneurship. Our blog shares insights, stories, and guidance to inspire positive change and support those in need. Join us in making a difference.

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1 Comment

  1. Gouri

    I am intrested foe online volunteering .


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